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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
General Information: Year: 1999 Exterior Color: Arctic Silver Metallic Interior Color: Tanin Red Interior Trim: Fine Wood Extended Engine: M52 Transmission: 5-speed Manual
Production Stats: Total Number with M52 Engine: 1018 Total Number for 1999 Model Year: 750 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic: 215 Total Number with Tanin Red Interior: 98 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red: 32 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with Fine Wood Extended Trim: 30 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with a Sunroof: 29 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with Fine Wood Extended Trim with a Sunroof: 28 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with Fine Wood Extended Trim and M52 Engine with a Sunroof: 28 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with Fine Wood Extended Trim for 1999 Model Year with a Sunroof: 28 Total Number in Arctic Silver Metallic over Tanin Red with Fine Wood Extended Trim and 5-speed Manual Transmission for 1999 Model Year with a Sunroof: 21
Sales History: Currently For Sale in Weston, FL - $24,900.00
Canyon Lake, TX - $15,500.00 105,300 miles
Monterey Park, CA - $17,000.00 101,000 miles
Houston, TX - $16,950.00 134,231 miles
Valencia, CA - $7,995.00 295,082 miles
Prince Frederick, MD - $23,500.00 57,500 miles